Another page is being turned

Some moments in life are milestones – sometimes they come as a complete surprise, which unfortunately I have experienced too much recently, and sometimes you see them coming from afar.

Such one that has actually been coming for years is currently in full swing…: At the end of April on this site I already proudly announced that Jadwiga had ended her high school with great success. From that moment on, various other parts of that one milestone followed:

  • In May, Jadwiga took her national final exams in nine different parts. It was not just about passing and graduating, but especially to achieve the highest possible grades for a better chance of qualifying for college… The pressure was high.
  • Because it was almost immediately clear that “passing part” wouldn’t be any problem, we celebrated the result of all those efforts with the trip described here to England. What a treat!
  • Then the process of registration for possible college… Psychology, International Relations, or something else as Plan B, C, or further? To the University of Kraków, Toruń, Lublin, Gdańsk…? Or still anywhere else?
  • The last two weeks of June, between applications for college and the actual announcements of qualification, the two of us have spent in the Netherlands, on the farm of our friends Gerrit & Mirjam de Baat. Relaxing, family visits, nice trips, but especially just distance from all school and study stress. Because from July onwards holidays would not really be an option anymore.

  • And then the announcement came through – in most cases qualified! What plan B? No, it was the first choice: Psychology in Toruń! At a very good university, in one of the most beautiful cities in Poland, only an hour or 2 from Poznań. A big blessing!

  • Then the formalities of registration and a room to start looking for… That too became a nice story, with a dream spot that had just not passed Jadwiga by because of a very correct landlord. Hallelujah again!

And so we here we are in a mix of great gratitude on the one hand, and on the other hand the unknown of living on herself for Jadwiga and the Empty-Nest Syndrome for me…

But, with the fact that I see the blessing on all the steps mentioned, gratitude prevails. We’ll see how it all unfolds…

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