Ambassadors in Germany, the US and the Netherlands
Bread of Life works in Poland with, depending on the definition, up to 20 employees, around 150 regular volunteers and… around them a group of supporters who make all the work possible through their practical, spiritual and/or financial support!
In recent months I have presented these numbers time and again during various meetings and presentations. Yes, because these months were full of international travel to those mentioned supporters.
In January my colleague Monika and I went to Germany, where we could tell our story in two churches in the Hanover region.

In March, now with colleagues Paulina and Monika, we went to the US for two weeks to make a tour of over 2000 miles (!) to have more than 20 presentations or meetings. Partly to maintain and further develop beautiful relationships, but also with quite a number of new introductions to get more of those beautiful relationships.

We covered an area from Philadelfia in the north to Atlanta in the south. It didn’t hurt of course, but it was hard work – with only one day off to visit Washington DC and see Joe Biden come by in his guarded column.

And in April, this time alone, I had the opportunity to preach on the Mission Sunday in a church in Terneuzen, in the Netherlands, and to give presentations to the representation of two other churches.

With all this we often feel a kind of ambassador, with a message to get people enthusiastic about “our good cause”. But far more important than our role as so-called ambassador are the ambassadors on the spot! Because, in every church, at every organization, our contacts run through people who hold the work of Bread of Life in their hearts! They make people enthusiastic locally, they organize Mission Teams to come our way, they arrange new introductions, they advocate for regular financial support…
It is a privilege to see how all these people are so involved… It is a privilege to work with you. Thank you very, very much!