Evangelical Poland is a movement in which evangelical Christians from the largest denominations in Poland are involved. Believing that in unity, we create a community of people who, thanks to cooperation, want to reach our fellow citizens even more effectively with the message of the Gospel.

We come from all the largest denominations in Poland. We represent:
- Kościół Boży w Chrystusie (The Church of God in Christ)
- Kościół Chrystusowy (Christ Church)
- Kościół Chrześcijan Baptystów (Baptist Christian Church)
- Kościół Chrześcijan Wiary Ewangelicznej (Church of Evangelical Faith Christians)
- Kościół Ewangelicznych Chrześcijan (Church of Evangelical Christians)
- Kościół Wolnych Chrześcijan (Church of Free Christians)
- Kościół Zielonoświątkowy (Pentecostal Church)
We adopted a common declaration of faith and a framework for cooperation. Three documents express our position. They are “Our Faith,” “Our Values,” and “Our Covenant.”
Evangelical Poland is an initiative that is part of the Evangelical Alliance in Poland. The body governing Evangelical Poland includes delegates of five denominations (KChB, KCh, KBwCh, KECH, KChWE).
Evangelical Poland works in the following areas:
- Social Ministries
- Evangelism
- Youth Leaders
- Media
- Leadership
- Family
- Discipleship
- Education
- Church Planting
Evangelical Poland began its operation in June 2018, when the “Vision of Evangelical Development of Christianity in Poland until 2050” was signed.
From autumn 2020, Reinier has the privilege of leading the steering group in the area of ”Social Ministries”
For more information, see: https://ewangeliczna.pl/en/.