“Under Wings” – A new project in an orphanage
“Bread of Life” has a tradition of various children’s programs – already over 20 years ago, groups of volunteers went to orphanages weekly to “be there” for children from dysfunctional families. Unfortunately we know the statistics… More than half (!) of all homeless people in Poland have a history in one or more orphanages, and perhaps even more shocking is the fact that more than 80% (!) of children who leave an orphanage at the age of 18, tend to go back to the dysfunctional environment from which they were once transferred. Back in alcohol abuse, hopelessness and crime…
We know from experience that something can be done about this – through personal guidance, mentoring, building a relationship of hope with those children before they leave the orphanage.

The situation is different per location. But even the very best intentions, efforts and fantastic approaches by the staff of orphanages often fall short. The teenagers concerned have a very sensitive antennae, and know that staff do this as a job, not because they love them so much… It is different with a volunteer who comes to a children’s home, and we know that the effect can be incredibly positive!
After extensive preparation and receiving support from the regional social services, last month we received green light for the new program “Under Wings” in an orphanage in Kórnik, just outside Poznań. The director was enthusiastic (which is logically exceptional in itself), and last Thursday we had a first meeting with the children with a dozen or so volunteers…

It was fantastic! The reception was so spontaneous, open and sincere that we can’t wait for the next steps. Wow!