NEWSLETTER 22 - APRIL 2024 - {blog_title}

Dear ,

The last months have not been the easiest on a personal level, and that is why this newsletter has taken a little longer.

But in the meantime enough has happened that I like to tell about, so this time again you find in this newsletter 7 blogs on various topics, both from the perspective of Bread of Life as well as personal.

I hope you enjoy reading!

In addition, I would like to bring something else to your attention. After 5 years of loyal involvement, this spring, after previous announcement, a large supporter has greatly reduced his monthly contribution, creating a gap in our personal finances.

Would you possibly consider, in prayer, to reduce this gap, to contribute in this way to secure the growing work for Bread of Life for the longer term?

You will find further information on Support. A big, big thank you in advance!

Reinier van den Berg

The support of Moses
In my blog from December “The art of waiting in the Van den Berg Family (De Poolse Bergen)” I mentioned the example of Moses who, seemingly quite pointless, for 40…
Jadwiga is done with school!
Just some nice family news: Jadwiga has finished her high school career this week with a list of grades that just about everyone can only dream of… I’m a proud…
Ambassadors in Germany, the US and the Netherlands
Bread of Life works in Poland with, depending on the definition, up to 20 employees, around 150 regular volunteers and… around them a group of supporters who make all the…
Dream team – part 2
Last year around this time we as a Bread of Life had the honor of receiving a Mission Team from the town of Easton in Maryland. Then I tried to…
Refugee Highway Partnership
Since February 2022, Bread of Life has been actively participating in various forms of aid to Ukrainian refugees in Poland, from coordinating various actions to offering shelter. Various blogs here…
EP Study Tour in Tarnów – About money…
Here in Poland we have a saying “If you don’t know what it’s about, it’s about money.” And indeed, whether we want it or not, far too often we have…
Our distribution program is for the long haul
Every once in a while we show beautiful pictures of sweet smiling people who joyfully give out food on behalf of Bread of Life. We help people in need and…